Head Start and Early Head Start eligibility is based on this criteria. Children do not have to meet all criteria to be eligible.
For help determining if your family is eligible please complete the enrollment form below or call 708-330-4490
Age requirements
- Early Head Start: Child must be younger than 3 at the time of enrollment.
- Head Start: Child must be at least 3 and cannot be eligible for kindergarten at the time of enrollment.
- Home-Visiting Early Head Start: Currently pregnant people and families with children ages 0-3.
Income (must meet ONE of the following criteria)
- Family Income: Family income is at or below the federal poverty guidelines (for the previous 12 months or previous calendar year).
- Public Assistance: Family is currently eligible for or receiving SNAP, TANF or SSI.
- Homeless: Your child is experiencing homelessness or resides in foster care.
- Over Income — If a child does not meet any of the above, enrollment is still possible. Up to 10% of the program’s funded enrollment may be children from families with income above the Head Start income guidelines.